Rushbrooke is a neighborhood governed by covenants that are key to maintaining and improving property values, and are designed to help ensure our status as a neighborhood of choice.

Rushbrooke was developed in three separate areas, each with its own covenants. In 2023, our Membership voted to revise the covenants to ensure consistency across all three areas and to modify some to reflect the neighborhood’s desires.

Primary covenants are presented below for easy reference.

NOTE: The Architectural Committee must approve plans for any building, structure of any kind, fence, wall, paving, swimming pool, exterior lighting, exterior antenna, or free-standing mailbox before any such project starts. Failure to receive such approval may result in fines and/or legal action. Please familiarize yourself with this Covenant, which allows for up to twenty (20) days for the Committee to review and approve or disapprove any project. Submissions may be made on our Member Portal or by contacting our Community Manager, Katie Reid, at Robson Property Management.

Additionally, all neighborhood green spaces are owned by Rushbrooke HOA and are subject to public covenants. Accordingly, the Rushbrooke HOA Board must approve planting or clearing before work is completed. Read more about our Greenbelt covenants below, and about our green spaces HERE.

PDFs of the Official Neighborhood Plats and Covenants (including revisions) filed with the Tulsa County Clerk are available on our Member Portal or by contacting our Community Manager, Katie Reid, at Robson Property Management. 

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.U.

No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind may be maintained, bred, sold or kept, except that two dogs or two cats may be kept provided that they are not used for commercial purposes.

NOTE: For purposes of this covenant, the Board has deemed that “domestic animal” does not include goats, cows, horses, sheep, swine, or other similar farm animals including miniature versions of any of these farm animals.

See also City of Broken Arrow Ordinances, specifically:

  • Pets are not allowed to run at large (when walking, they must be leashed) (Code Section 5-9)
  • When walking pets, you are required to clean up after them along the way (Code Section 5-39)
  • Pets must be vaccinated (Code Section 5-5) and properly registered and licensed (Code Section 5-6)
  • Pets must be protected and safe (Code Sections 5-12 and 5-17)

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.Q.

Exterior television, “CB” radio or other type antennas including satellite dishes shall be prohibited, except satellite dishes not exceeding 39” in diameter may be affixed to a rear building wall or dormer if below the eave, or ground mounted within a rear yard if not exceeding 6′ in height, and in each instance the satellite dish shall not be visible from the street view of the dwelling.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6 and Rushbrook North 7-8, Section II.A.

  1. Plan review.  No building, structure of any kind, fence, wall, paving, swimming pool, exterior lighting, exterior antenna or free standing mailbox shall be erected, placed or altered (including exterior painting and roofing material) on any lot until the plans and specifications have been approved in writing by the developer or its authorized representatives or successors, which are hereinafter referred to as the “Architectural Committee”.  For each building, the required plans and specifications shall be submitted in duplicate and include a site plan, floor plan, exterior elevations, drainage and grading plans, exterior materials and color scheme. In the event the Architectural Committee fails to approve or disapprove plans and specifications submitted to it as herein required within twenty (20) days after submission, the plans so submitted shall be deemed approved. The development and use of the lot shall thereafter be in substantial compliance with the approved plans or approved amendments thereto. In the event no suit to enjoin the erection of the building, structure or other improvement as above set forth or the making of an alteration thereof has been commenced prior to the 60th day following completion thereof, approval of the Architectural Committee shall not be required and this covenant shall be deemed to have been fully complied with.
  2. Committee purpose.  The Architectural Committee’s purpose is to promote good design and compatibility within the subdivision and in its review of plans or determination of any waiver as hereinafter authorized, the Architectural Committee, shall approve or disapprove in its sole discretion and may take into consideration, but without limitation, the nature and character of the proposed building or structure, the materials of which it is to be built, the availability of alternative materials, the site upon which it is proposed to be erected and the harmony thereof with the surrounding area. The Architectural Committee shall not be liable for any approval, disapproval or failure to approve hereunder, and its approval of building plans shall not constitute a warranty or responsibility for building methods, materials, procedures, structural design, grading or drainage or code violations. The approval or failure to approve building plans shall not be deemed a waiver of any restriction. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent any lot owner in the subdivision from prosecuting any legal action relating to improvements within the subdivision which they would otherwise be entitled to prosecute.
  3. Transfer of duties.  The powers and duties of the Architectural Committee shall, upon construction of a dwelling within each of the lots, be deemed transferred to the Homeowners’ Association (to be established as set forth within Section III hereof), or upon written assignment to the Association by the developer, whichever event first occurs, and thereafter the foregoing powers and duties shall be exercised by the Board of Directors of the Association.

NOTE: Per item 1 above, this covenant covers structures of any kind, as well as other items noted and allows the Board twenty (20) days for review and approval, request for revisions, or denial of any proposal. Please plan accordingly. 

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.T.

Exposed clothesline poles or other outside drying apparatus are prohibited. Additionally, no exposed garbage can, trash can or any trash burning apparatus or structure shall be placed on any lot or on any reserve area.  All trash receptacles shall be stored out of view of the street on all days other than scheduled trash pick-up days. 

Trash/Recycling pickup in Rushbrooke South is Tuesday of each week; in Rushbrooke North, pickup is Wednesday of each week. NOTE: If Monday is a holiday, pickup shifts one day.

Rushbrooke South Section II.X. as revised by First Amendment; Rushbrooke North 1-6 Section II.X. as revised by Second Amendment; Rushbrooke North 7-8 Section II.X. as revised by Second Amendment

Commercial Vehicles, Trailers, Machinery and Equipment. No commercial vehicles, trailers of any kind, machinery, or equipment shall be stored, placed, or parked on any street within the subdivision or on any lot or driveway, except within an enclosed garage. For purposes of this covenant, commercial vehicle is defined as any vehicle which displays business information and/or advertising, including vehicle wraps and/or window graphics, that cover more than 20% of the total vehicle vertical surface. 

However, nothing herein shall prohibit the parking of vehicles, trailers, machinery or equipment when being utilized in connection with temporary services being provided to a residence in the subdivision, provided such parking has been approved, as required, by the City of Broken Arrow. Further, nothing herein shall prohibit the parking of light trucks up to 3/4 ton not displaying commercial signage, or official government vehicles.

To assist Members in determining whether their vehicle is in compliance with this covenant, please see the formula and PDF found HERE:


Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.L.

Driveways shall be concrete and shall be the same color as the sidewalks and curbs within the subdivision and shall require approval of the Architectural Committee. Concrete driveways shall not exceed the overall width of the garage.

Rushbrooke South Section II.M. as revised by First Amendment; Rushbrooke North 1-6 Section II.M. as revised by Second Amendment; Rushbrooke North 7-8 Section II.M. as revised by First Amendment

Fencing must be approved by the Architectural Committee prior to installation.

For any lots abutting the greenbelt (Reserve “A” or “B”), sides abutting the greenbelt must use either Ranch Rail or Black Residential Iron fencing (as described below).

For all other lots, fencing materials must be either Ranch Rail, Black Residential Iron, or Wood Privacy (as described below) or an approved combination of either Ranch Rail and Wood Privacy or Black Residential Iron and Wood Privacy.

  1. Ranch Rail Fencing, when used, must be constructed six feet (6’-0”) in height, with powder-coated black or dark brown posts, or pretreated yellow pine or cedar round rails and posts with black coated vinyl chain link fencing.
  2. Black Residential Iron Fencing, when used, must be a height of five feet (5’-0”). 
  3. Wood Privacy Fencing, when used, must be constructed of wood or steel posts, rails, and pickets with “dog ear” or “capped” top detail. Wood Privacy Fences shall be constructed six feet (6’-0”) in height, except for any section abutting Wolf Creek Estates V and Wolf Creek Estates VI, which shall be eight feet (8’-0”) in height.

Fencing between lots must consist of a single unified fence; no two fences of any material running parallel to each other on separate lots will be approved. If homeowners cannot agree, then the fencing between lots must be as described in Section II.M.3. above.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.C.

Rushbrooke South: Single story dwellings shall have a minimum of 2,200 sq. ft. of living area. Multi-story dwellings shall have a minimum of 2,600 sq. ft. of living area and the first floor shall have a minimum of 1,500 sq. ft. of living area. The computation of living area shall exclude garages, open spaces, and breezeways.

Rushbrooke North 1-6: Single story dwellings located in bordering lots to Wolf Creek Estates shall have a minimum of 2,000 sq. ft. of living area. Multi-story dwellings located in bordering lots to Wolf Creek Estates shall have a minimum of 2,200 sq. ft. of living area and the first floor shall have a minimum of 1,400 sq. ft. of living area. The remaining lots in subdivision shall have single story dwellings with a minimum of 2,200 sq. ft. of living area. Multi-story dwellings shall have a minimum of 2,600 sq. ft. of living area and the first floor shall have a minimum of 1,500 sq. ft. of living area. In all cases, the computation of living area shall exclude garages, open spaces, and breezeways.

Rushbrooke North 7-8: Single story dwellings shall have a minimum of 2,200 sq. ft. of living area. Multi-story dwellings shall have a minimum of 2,600 sq. ft. of living area and the first floor shall have a minimum of 1,500 sq. ft. of living area. In all cases, the computation of living area shall exclude garages, open spaces, and breezeways.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.G.

Any exposed foundation shall be brick, stone or stucco. No stem wall shall be exposed. 

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.F.

Within each lot there shall be provided a minimum of two parking spaces within an attached garage. Garages shall be enclosed, and carports are prohibited. Glass in garage doors is prohibited.

Because of the ecological, environmental, and civil engineering importance of these areas, Rushbrooke Members are responsible for ensuring these areas are maintained to Covenant and regulatory standards. Accordingly:

  • No changes may be made within these areas without first receiving written permission from the Rushbrooke HOA Board. The property owner should submit a detailed work plan, the name(s) of any parties to perform the work, and the proposed timeline.  The Rushbrooke HOA Board will respond to the property owner within twenty (20) business days.
  • No vegetation or fallen trees shall be removed without first receiving written permission from the Rushbrooke HOA Board. If a property owner notices debris or other items along or in the creek bed that may cause backup or damming, please notify a member of the Rushbrooke HOA Board to ensure the issue is addressed properly.

As provided in Section I.E. Overland Drainage Easement of the Covenants:

  • No fence, wall, building, or other obstruction may be placed or maintained in these areas.
  • No alteration of grade or contours may be made.
  • Subject to approval by the Rushbrooke HOA Board, authorization may be granted for the removal of vines, weeds, and other ground cover, provided turf (aka sod) is planted immediately following clearing to ensure no areas are left exposed for any period. Seeding versus planting of turf or sod will not be approved.
  • Single trunk trees may be planted providing those trees have a trunk caliper of not less than two and one-half (2-1/2) inches. 

The Rushbrooke HOA Board may also approve planting of vegetation that supports the existing terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers lists trees and other vegetation beneficial to the wetlands in our neighborhood.  

Once approved, the Rushbrooke HOA Board will secure necessary permits (if required) and work with the Member to schedule the work to be completed. Members wishing to self-perform work may do so. In either case, supervision and oversight of the work by members of the Rushbrooke HOA Board are required. 

Members should also be aware that any such work that may be approved is considered a gift to the Rushbrooke HOA

Rushbrooke South Section II.AB. First Amendment; Rushbrooke North 1-6 Section II.BB. Second Amendment; Rushbrooke North 7-8 Section II.AB. Second Amendment

  1. All open lot areas shall be sodded and the front of each residence professionally landscaped within 30 days of completion of home. Plant material shall be sufficient in size, quantity and spacing to achieve a full foundation planting across the entire front elevation of the home.
  2. The use of artificial or manmade plant material is prohibited. Other ornamental landscape design items including, but not limited to, statues, flagpoles, and benches, must be approved by the Architectural Committee. Seasonal and holiday exterior decorations may be used if timely and seasonably displayed.

NOTE: Regarding seasonal and holiday exterior lighting, the Board respectfully asks that light be used only during the holiday celebratory period from Thanksgiving weekend through January 5th of each year or other recognized primary celebratory periods that may vary in timing each year such as Ramadan.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.R.

No inoperative vehicle or machinery shall be stored on any lot and each lot shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition free of rubbish, trash and other debris and shall be cut, trimmed or mowed to prevent growth of weeds or tall grass.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.H.

A minimum of 75% of the first floor exterior surface of the exterior walls of a dwelling, excepting windows and doors, shall be brick, natural rock or stucco, provided however that the Architectural Committee may, in the particular instance, waive this requirement.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.W.

No lot shall be used for the storage of materials for a period of greater than thirty (30) days prior to the start of construction and the construction shall be completed within six (6) months thereafter. Each lot shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition. 

No lot shall be used for the storage of materials for a period of greater than thirty (30) days prior to the start of construction and the construction shall be completed within six (6) months thereafter. Each lot shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition. 

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.E.

No building shall exceed thirty-five feet in height.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.D.

No building shall be located nearer to a boundary of a lot than the building lines depicted on the plat. Within corner lots, the dwelling must face the most restricted building setback line. Where no building line is depicted for a side yard, no building shall be located nearer than 5 feet to any lot line.

Not withstanding the foregoing, garages fronting a street must be setback from the street right-of-way a minimum distance of 20 feet in Rushbrooke South and 25 feet in Rushbrooke North Blocks 1-6 and Rushbrooke North Blocks 7-8.  No building shall encroach upon any easement depicted on the plat.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.Y.

No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried out upon any lot or upon reserve areas “A,” “B,” “C” or “D” as depicted on the Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, and/or Rushbrooke North 7-8 legal plats nor shall anything be done thereon that may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.N.

No residence or building built off-site shall be moved to, or placed on, any lot. 

Rushbrooke South Section II.O. as revised by First Amendment; Rushbrooke North 1-6 Section II.O. as revised by Second Amendment; Rushbrooke North 7-8 Section II.O. as revised by Second Amendment

Outbuildings are prohibited. Outbuildings are defined as a structure subordinate to but not connected with the primary residence on a parcel of property. This may include a shed, garage, barn, greenhouse, pool house, cottage, etc.

A gazebo, pergola or outdoor play or jungle gym is permissible with prior written approval by the Architectural Committee.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.S.

No boats, trailers, personal watercraft, campers, motor homes or other recreational vehicular equipment shall be stored, placed or parked on any street within the subdivision or on any lot except within an enclosed garage.

NOTE: Specific to motor homes and RVs, Members are allowed a 24-hour loading / 24-hour unloading period.

Rushbrooke South Section II.AD. as revised by First Amendment; Rushbrooke North 1-6 Section II.DD. as revised by Second Amendment; Rushbrooke North 7-8 Section II.AD. as revised by Second Amendment

Renting/Leasing. A Member acquiring a residence is prohibited from renting the structure for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase or construction of the residence. After expiration of the two (2) year period, the owner shall be allowed to rent the property, provided no person/Member/entity may own more than one (1) rental property in the subdivision. If a property is rented in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, the Member must inform the tenant of all covenants and supply the Board of Directors with the name(s) and contact information for all individuals who will be renting the residence. The Member further acknowledges that as the record owner, the Member remains the Association’s primary contact and will be jointly and severally liable for any violations of the restrictions or rules by the tenants or their guests. Tenants may be extended use of the neighborhood amenities; however, tenants are not Members of the Association and therefore have no voting privileges.

No lease/rental agreement of a residence or accessory building shall be for a period of less than one (1) year, nor shall any lease/rental agreement cover less than the entire residence or accessory building. No residence, accessory building, or portion thereof, shall be used for transient/hotel purposes. Such transient/hotel purposes include, but are not limited to, contracts with Airbnb, VRBO or similar short-term rental agencies.

All lease/rental agreements shall be in writing with a copy delivered to the Board of Directors. The lease/rental agreement must expressly state the tenants and their guests and invitees are subject to all covenants, Bylaws, and any other rules and regulations. No lease may be subleased without the written approval of the HOA Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall have the right to adopt additional rules and policies regulating the renting and leasing of properties, but any rules and policies shall not lessen the restrictions and requirements set forth herein. The Board of Directors for the Association may, but is not required to, make exceptions to any provision under [Section II.AD. (Rushbrooke South and Rushbrooke North 7-8) Section II.DD.] of the Deed of Dedication in certain circumstances and upon application by an owner.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.AA.

Retaining walls shall not be constructed on any lot until a site plan has been approved by the Architectural Committee. Site plan must show the house drainage concept and the proposed location and height of retaining walls. Retaining walls may be constructed of brick, stone, or versa-lok. Concrete retaining walls must be faced with brick, stone or stucco. The use of railroad ties is not permitted.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.J.

No dwelling shall have a roof pitch of less than 9/12, except for porches and patios which shall have a roof pitch of not less than 4/12.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.K.

Roofing for a dwelling shall be Tamko Heritage 30 composition shingles or equivalent. The color shall be weathered wood, except as approved by the Architectural Committee.

NOTE: The Rushbrooke HOA Board has learned that Tamko has replaced its Tamko Heritage 30 composition shingles have been replaced by Tamko Heritage Weathered Wood with Limited Lifetime Warranty.

Further, as specified by the Architectural Committee covenant, Members must receive approval from the Architectural Committee prior to roofing or reroofing.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.Z.

The developer shall construct sidewalks along all reserve areas that are adjacent to a street.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.V.

No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except for one (1) sign of not more than 5 square feet advertising the property for sale or used by the owner/developer or a builder to advertise the property during the construction and sales period. 

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.P.

Above ground swimming pools are prohibited.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.B.

  1. Lots. The use of each lot shall be limited to a detached single-family residence and customary accessory uses.
  2. Reserve areas “A,” “B,”  and “D”.  The use of reserve areas “A,” “B, “C”” and “D” as depicted upon the Rushbrooke North 1-6 legal plat, shall be limited to drainage facilities, open space, recreational facilities, fencing, landscaping, and utilities, all having been conveyed to the Homeowners’ Association, as set forth within Section III hereof. NOTE: While owned by the Homeowners’ Association, these areas are also subject to restrictions as set forth in Section I. Streets, Easements and Utilities, Item E. Overland Drainage Easements, of these Covenants.
  3. Reserve Area “C”. Section II.B.3. Rushbrooke South only. The use of Reserve area “C”, as depicted upon the accompanying plat, shall be limited to pedestrian access to and from the Subdivision to and from adjoining property, drainage facilities, open space, recreational facilities, fencing, landscaping, and utilities, and Reserve C is reserved for subsequent conveyance to the Homeowners’ Association, as set forth within Section III hereof.

Rushbrooke South Section II.AC. as revised by First Amendment; Rushbrooke North 1-6 Section II.CC. as revised by Second Amendment; Rushbrooke North 7-8 Section II.AC. as revised by Second Amendment

All exposed sheet metal flashings, vent pipes and chimney caps shall be painted in a color matching the roof shingles of the house.

Rushbrooke South, Rushbrooke North 1-6, Rushbrooke North 7-8, Section II.I.

Within a dwelling, aluminum windows having a mill finish are prohibited.